Having own website for the company is not a nice accessory of a business, it is a vital necessity. That is why website creation has become one of the first priority procedures. To begin with you need to select beautiful, recognizable domain name and check it registration, because it can be already unavailable. It is a common situation for short domain names and popular zones. There is even a special type of business, not very good in terms of ethics that implies registration and reselling of good-looking domains.
You can check the domain name registration by yourself: it is enough to type it in the search bar of a special WHOIS-service. This operation helps to find out if the current name is available, who registered it and when the period of registration expires.
The websites that provide registration services a domain check is available too, so there is no need to search for some third-party services or programs. If the selected domain is free, you can register it right from the search results. When the domain is unavailable, you can wait until the period of domain registration expires and try to register it for yourself. It is rather doubtful variant, but it can work.
Besides the domain price you also need to find out the period and price for prolongation. It is very important as an expired payment can lead to the limited access to the website, its disconnection, and finally to the loss of domain name. In general such situations are very rare, as domain registration prolongation is very easy, quick and inexpensive. Due to the ability to prepay the use of domain in some zones for a long period, some users simply forget to make a payment on time and ignore email notifications from the registrar.
The period for domain registration prolongation significantly vary. As a rule this period is one year for national zones, such as ru, while to zone allows prepaying even the century of use.
If the moment is lost, there is a chance to correct it. Prolongation of an expired domain is available at additional fee during a specific period of time after the expiry date. Usually you can do this during 45 days.
If the address was not occupied by another user, you can register it once more. The most of registrars put the expired domains on sale only in a year after expiry date, after assessing its price and financial prospects.