A correct choice of domain name can become an excellent sales pitch that will significantly increase the traffic rank of the website. Domain registration in ru zone can reflect the territorial allegiance and attract the proper audience that will fully compensate the cost.

Today sounding and recognizable domain name has the same value as a well chosen company name or trademark. It must be maximally meaningful, easy to read and not too long. For registering a domain in ru zone you should also think about transliteration. This moment should not be ignored, as an unreadable address is hard to remember, and it simply looks bad. Due to this reason it becomes popular to register domains in Cyrillic рф zone instead of the habitual ru. However, the Cyrillic alphabet has not been properly fine-tuned, and there can be some errors on specific devices due to the complex character coding that seriously affects the demand for such addresses.

Today it is very easy to register a domain in ru zone. A few years ago to rent such domain name, you had to provide a passport of the RF resident. Now the identity authentication is given under registrar’s responsibility. As a rule they are not too strict in this aspect. However, when passing domains to third-parties, there must be a documented re-registration confirmation performed. It slightly hampers the development of the second market in ru zone.

The price of ru domain has lowered in tens of times over the last decade. Earlier the companies preferred other domain zones that were cheaper or simply sounded better, such as com. But the development of internet technologies in Russia has seriously changed the situation, and now the ru domain purchase is a common practice.

The procedure of ru domain registration is very simple: it is enough to create an account in registrar’s site, choose the domain and pay for it. You must use the passport data of a real person, better your own. Otherwise the registrar can simply ban all the domain names of a user who failed to confirm his identity in case of some problems. While it is not a mandatory procedure, it is highly recommended to download the scanned copies of the identity card to the registrar’s site. This helps to avoid problems in occasional checks.

After registration it is enough to make a payment once a year in order to prolong the term of using domain. You should inquire after the safer place to register a ru domain, as there are many scammers on the market. If you follow the legislation and recommendations there will be no any complications.
